Number adaptation: A bibliography

While we are skeptical about the existence of number adaptation, we think that the idea that humans perceptually adapt to number is a fascinating idea and have compiled this page as a resource for other researchers interested in the topic. We aim to list all experimental reports of perceptual number adaptation published since David Burr and John Ross’s groundbreaking 2008 paper on the topic in Current Biology. Please let us know if you spot any omissions — we’re always happy to update the list!

A visual sense of number

D Burr, J Ross - Current Biology, 2008


Texture density adaptation and visual number revisited

FH Durgin - Current Biology, 2008

Response: visual number

D Burr, J Ross - Current Biology, 2008

Vision senses number directly

J Ross, D Burr - Nature Precedings, 2009

Adaptation affects both high and low (subitized) numbers under conditions of high attentional load

D Burr, G Anobile, M Turi - Seeing and Perceiving, 2011

Effects of awareness on numerosity adaptation

W Liu, ZJ Zhang, YJ Zhao, ZF Liu, BC Li - PloS One, 2013

Psychophysical evidence for a generalized sense of number

R Arrighi - Multisensory Research, 2013


Separate mechanisms for perception of numerosity and density

G Anobile, GM Cicchini, DC Burr - Psychological Science, 2014


A generalized sense of number

R Arrighi, I Togoli, DC Burr - Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 2014


A texture-processing model of the 'visual sense of number'

MJ Morgan, S Raphael, MS Tibber, SC Dakin - Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 2014

Cortical remapping features of numerosity adaptation aftereffects

Z Zhang, W Liu, Y Zhao, J Zhang, WU Binxing - Acta Psychologica, 2014

Children with autism spectrum disorder show reduced adaptation to number

M Turi, DC Burr, R Igliozzi, D Aagten-Murphy, F Muratori, E Pellicano - Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2015

Atypicalities in perceptual adaptation in autism do not extend to perceptual causality

T Karaminis, M Turi, L Neil, NA Badcock, D Burr, E Pellicano - PloS one, 2015

Numerosity adaptation along the Y-Axis affects numerosity perception along the X-Axis: does numerosity adaptation activate MNLs?

W Liu, ZJ Zhang, BC Li, YJ Zhao, Y Tang - Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 2015


Effects of adaptation on numerosity decoding in the human brain

E Castaldi, D Aagten-Murphy, M Tosetti, D Burr, MC Morrone - NeuroImage, 2016

Number as a primary perceptual attribute: A review

G Anobile, GM Cicchini, DC Burr - Perception, 2016


Adaptation to number operates on perceived rather than physical numerosity

M Fornaciai, GM Cicchini, DC Burr - Cognition, 2016

A shared numerical representation for action and perception

G Anobile, R Arrighi, I Togoli, DC Burr - eLife, 2016

Magnitudes in the coding of visual multitudes: Evidence from adaptation

FH Durgin - Continuous Issues in Numerical Cognition, 2016


Adaptation to numerosity requires only brief exposures, and is determined by number of events, not exposure duration

D Aagten-Murphy, D Burr - Journal of Vision, 2016


Numerosity perception after size adaptation

E Zimmermann, GR Fink - Scientific Reports, 2016

A shared numerical representation for action and perception

A Giovanni, R Arrighi, T Irene, DC Burr - eLife, 2016


Independent adaptation mechanisms for numerosity and size perception provide evidence against a common sense of magnitude

G Anobile, DC Burr, M Iaia, CV Marinelli, P Angelelli, M Turi - Scientific Reports, 2018

Typical numerosity adaptation despite selectively impaired number acuity in dyscalculia

G Anobile, GM Cicchini, F Gasperini, DC Burr - Neuropsychologia, 2018


Adaptation reveals unbalanced interaction between numerosity and time

A Tsouli, SO Dumoulin, SF Te Pas, MJ van der Smagt - Cortex, 2019


Adaptation to hand-tapping affects sensory processing of numerosity directly: evidence from reaction times and confidence

PA Maldonado Moscoso, GM Cicchini, R Arrighi, DC Burr - Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 2020

Number adaptation can be dissociated from density adaptation

K DeSimone, M Kim, RF Murray - Psychological Science, 2020

Adaptation to visual numerosity changes neural numerosity selectivity

A Tsouli, Y Cai, M van Ackooij, S Hofstetter, BM Harvey, SF te Pas, MK van der Smagt, SO Dumoulin - NeuroImage, 2021


Numerosity adaptation partly depends on the allocation of implicit numerosity-contingent visuo-spatial attention

PA Grasso, G Anobile, R Arrighi - Journal of Vision, 2021


Evidence for an A-modal number sense: numerosity adaptation generalizes across visual, auditory, and tactile stimuli

I Togoli, R Arrighi - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 2021


Implicit visuospatial attention shapes numerosity adaptation and perception

PA Grasso, G Anobile, C Caponi, R Arrighi - Journal of Vision, 2021

When color “counts”: evidence of color-selective numerosity adaptation

PA Grasso, G Anobile, GM Cicchini, DC Burr, R Arrighi - Perception, 2021

Numerosity perception is tuned to salient environmental features

PA Grasso, G Anobile, R Arrighi, DC Burr, GM Cicchini - iScience, 2022


Visual adaptation reveals multichannel coding for numerosity 

LS Aulet, SF Lourenco - Frontiers in Psychology, 2023

Adaptation to numerosity affects the pupillary light response

C Caponi, E Castaldi DC Burr, PBinda - Scientific Reports, 2024

Adaptation to Illusory Contours reveals a discrete Numerosity perception

A Adriano, A Content, MV Velde - unpublished

Effects of spatial frequency cross-adaptation on the visual number sense

CD Bonn and D Odic

Numerosity adaptation suppresses early visual responses

L Zhang, E Hendrik, Y Wang, S Gayet , SO Dumoulin, BM Harvey

Number adaptation: A critical look

SR Yousif, S Clarke, EM Brannon

Number adaptation: Reply

D Burr, G Anobile, R Arrighi

Refreshing the conversation about adaptation and perceived numerosity: A reply to Yousif, Clarke and Brannon

FH Durgin

Seven reasons to (still) doubt the existence of number adaptation: A rebuttal to Burr et al. and Durgin

SR Yousif, S Clarke, EM Brannon

Feature-selective adaptation of numerosity perception

C Caponi, E Castaldi, PA Grasso, R Arrighi