Lab news archive
(January 2024) New paper - An illusion of time caused by repeated experience
Our paper was accepted in Psychological Science.
(December 2024) New paper - Perceiving topological relations
Our paper was accepted in Psychological Science.
(September 2024) New paper - Seven reasons to (still) doubt the existence of number adaptation: A rebuttal to Burr et al. and Durgin
Our paper was published in Cognition. This paper is a rebuttal to two replies on the number adaptation paper we published back in May.
(July 2024) New paper - Size adaptation: Do you know it when you see it?
Our paper was published in Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics.
(June 2024) New paper - Event representation at the scale of ordinary experience
Our paper was published in Cognition.
(June 2024) New paper - Intuitive network topology
Our paper was published in Journal of Experimental Psychology: General.
(May 2024) New paper - Number adaptation: A critical look
Our paper was published in Cognition, to be followed by a debate.
(April 2024) New paper - Oblique warping: A general distortion of spatial perception
Our paper was published in Cognition.